10 questions to answer if you want to have your best year yet in business
Easing back into the New Year?
January can be a tough month.
Not only because it’s back to the grind and the days are dark and cold, but there’s a lot of pressure to reinvent yourself rapidly and finally achieve your dreams. A lot of the time the hype can be stressful, rather than inspiring.
The best way to remove the stress and achieve success is to get specific about what you want to achieve, write down your goals and make them public. One of the things I always do when I get time away from my desk is to review the year gone by and plan for the year ahead. By doing this, I hit nearly all my business goals last year, (including doubling my revenue which was such a lofty goal for me!)
I’ve improved my process for doing this over the last 4 years and thought I’d share 10 of the most impactful questions you need to answer if you want 2025 to be YOUR best year yet in business - and find out what you need to do next to make that happen.
10 Questions you need to answer
At the end of 2025, I’d love to say that I have achieved (list your top 3 results in business)
The person that I need to become in the process is (top 3 character traits you will cultivate to achieve these 3 results)
Until now, the behaviours and habits that have best served me, and that I will continue to cultivate in business are (list your top 3)
Where I have been letting either fear or shame run the show and block my progress is (list any areas where you might have been holding back so far)
What I have made too hard or too complicated is (list anything that comes to mind)
The areas I need to find more discipline or focus are (list anything that comes to mind)
Where I have been leaving money on the table, or not giving enough attention in my business is (list any areas that you might not have prioritised or not found commercial success where you could have)
Based on the above, the ‘work’ I need to do is (list what you need to do more or less as a result of your answers to questions 3-7. Be specific, like a set of instructions to yourself)
The people I admire who have a similar result, mindset or business I want to create include (list anyone who comes to mind)
The decisions and actions I must take next, to turn these goals into reality include (list the next steps you will implement to achieve the top 3 results in your business by the end of 2025, taking into account the work and the changes you need to make along the way)
By answering these questions, you’re already ahead of the many people that don’t. Why not email me your answers for extra accountability!
At both the middle and then again at the end of 2025, I will check in with you. I’ll ask which actions you took and what your results were. Remote coaching at its finest. Having me checking in on you creates accountability, in turn, an incentive to achieve the result.
Whether you share your responses with me or not, I wish you an incredible start to the new year ahead!
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