Whether you're scaling up or changing course, your next chapter demands more than just hard work.

It requires a new level of clarity and strategic thinking.

It’s your moment to become the leader your vision demands. 

As an entrepreneur, you're constantly delivering for others—clients, investors, perhaps even your own team. But who's in your corner to do the same, offering a clear-headed perspective and intentional support?

The dirty little secret of entrepreneurship is that in many ways, more success yields more complexity.

Building something brilliant comes with constant decision-making (and no shortage of other people’s opinions). 

Your instincts have gotten you this far, but there’s always something new that you don’t know yet.

And having big ideas is one thing… but making concrete action plans is another.

As you’re growing and pivoting, the possibilities are exhilarating, but can also feel immense.

Your business can only go as far as you can lead it.

Let’s ensure you’re not the bottleneck of your own success.

As humans we are great at letting doubt slow us down.

→ You might find yourself overthinking decisions to the point of paralysis, so afraid to make the wrong move you end up not making any moves at all. 

→ Or maybe you’re prone to the opposite, saying yes to every opportunity that crosses your desk only to realise you haven’t made the impact you set out to. 

→ Perhaps, despite your success, you may not have the self-belief to lead at the level this next phase of business requires.

When you’re sensing big growth or change on the horizon, you might be tempted to seek out more information, buy yourself more time, or look to others for the solution. But information alone is rarely the reason we make a change: clarity, consistency, and accountability are the ticket.

You’re a person, not a machine, a process, or a product—

So you need a nuanced thought partner, not a one-off instruction manual.

When you can take control of the invisible forces at play (your inner game) and combine them with the strategy, tools, and tactics you need (the outer game), that’s when you become unstoppable. 

But to get there, you need renewed clarity on what makes you tick, the work you're truly meant to be doing, the impact you envision, and how you plan to achieve it. That’s when you become not just a successful founder but an authority in your field, stepping out front-and-centre to set the pace.


Having a dedicated space with a coach is a force-functioner for change. 

And your high expectations of yourself deserve a coach who can match them.

Whether you're navigating the complexities of scaling your business or charting a course for a bold pivot, I'm here to be your sounding board, thought partner, and co-pilot. 

As your coach, I’m your partner in uncovering insights, knocking down barriers, and consistently pursuing a plan that's tailored to your unique strengths and industry challenges.

With me in your corner, you won’t be handed the same list of tactics to try, or basic advice and hacks packaged up in a fancier box. Instead, we fuel your growth well beyond surface-level by deeply understanding you and the challenges you’re facing, both internal and external. 

With this level of clarity and specificity, we’ll crystallise what you truly want, define your goals with precision, and craft a plan that resonates with your vision.

The real value lies in uncovering what's really holding you back and equipping you with the tools to overcome it. You’ll develop your ability to tackle future challenges head-on. You'll become more self-reliant, sharpening your critical thinking and decision-making skills.

Because ultimately, isn't about quick fixes—it's about building your capacity to lead effectively for the long haul.

Ellen has coached me for a number of years and I could not recommend her more highly. She has been a partner while we have scaled our PR agency, supporting me on all manner of pain points, headaches, and difficult decisions. If you want someone in your corner, with the smarts and emotional intelligence needed to provide genuinely good advice, look no further. Our sessions have always felt like a completely safe space for exploring the nuts and bolts of professional life, and that is invaluable to any entrepreneur.

Nick, PR CEO + Founder

So, what’s your ask?

Whether you're disrupting the status quo, claiming the top spot in your industry, or driving social change, we’ll sharpen your vision and make it a reality.

I’ve coached clients through achieving their big, audacious asks including:

  • Shattering glass ceilings: Empowering women leaders in male-dominated industries

  • Driving social impact : Building equity through film and mainstream media campaigns

  • Championing worker empowerment: Informing employees about their rights in the workplace

  • Enhancing relationships: Developing modern intimacy tools for couples

  • Putting LATAM startups on the map: Elevating an entire region's entrepreneurial ecosystem

And now, it’s your turn.


Ellen provides me feedback I need to hear, plays devil's advocate, brainstorms, and helps me visualise what I need to do, what I'm capable of, and where I should invest my time and resources.  This is my first rodeo, but it's not Ellen's—her experience shines through every time we meet. Her advice and writing are grounded in research, theory, and real world experience.  I also appreciate the little things she does like review emails for me, make introductions, or provide the bolder feedback that my friends and family can't give!

Alice, Educator Founder

Business Coaching for Entrepreneurs

You're the visionary of your business, and vision requires uncompromised clarity.

What will sustain you in business is clarity and intention: knowing yourself, your values, and your strengths, and building around that.

Even if you’ve nailed your product-market fit, you’ve got to master your founder-product fit, too—that is, how your business model, work, and overall approach fit YOU

Coaching offers a strategic space to grow and pivot if needed, because once you get clear on that, your growth, impact, and earning potential are uncapped.

Here’s what you can expect inside our coaching engagements: 

  • What drives you? What keeps you up at night? What gets you jumping out of bed in the morning? Through thoughtful questions and honest conversation, we'll uncover the core of what you want for yourself and where you’re headed. Whether you're eyeing exponential growth or contemplating a bold pivot, we'll get crystal clear on your aspirations, challenges, and the unique strengths that set you apart. 

  • Our sessions aren't about endless contemplation—we build genuine momentum. Each focused conversation is an opportunity to make decisions and tick off boxes, creating a compounding effect that propels your business forward. As we clear the path ahead, you'll find yourself spending less time dithering and more time taking purposeful action.

  • Between sessions, you'll be out there making moves. Consider me your co-pilot, offering support, answering questions (yes, even the ones that wake you up at night), and keeping you accountable. 

    We'll keep a close eye on your progress, celebrating the wins and swiftly addressing any setbacks. No need to hide from challenges—we’ll face them head-on. Our approach is agile and responsive, ready to capitalise on new opportunities or navigate the unexpected.

  • As you tick off your initial goals, we'll set our sights even higher. You’re not just building a successful business—you’re building your legacy. It's all about sustainable, long-term success that keeps you at the forefront of your industry.

Whether you're scaling or pivoting, you'll find our work together pays dividends across every aspect of your work and your life. You'll emerge as the confident leader your vision demands—someone who doesn't just react to what’s happening, but shapes it.

“Working with Ellen over 8 months was absolutely invaluable to progressing my business.

She has an acute understanding of the wider business world, as well as specialist knowledge of my sector. She provided excellent resources throughout, always on hand for questions & comments between sessions. Most importantly, she kept my goals on track, making sure we covered everything I needed in the allotted time.  I will be forever grateful for Ellen's leadership and guidance, and recommend her to absolutely anyone in need of a coach!

Nicola, Brand Strategist

Ellen’s questions are brilliant because they make you think really hard about what’s important to you.

It took me a while to figure out that I needed help, but having had the help I wish I’d done it sooner. Coaching made such an incredible difference to both my business life and my personal life.

Mahdi, Serial Entrepreneur

I’m Ellen, your business coach, thought partner, and fellow entrepreneur 

I coach because asking is the antithesis of settling.

After all, no matter how ambitious you are, opportunity doesn’t usually come knocking. Success hinges on knowing how to ask the right questions of yourself, others, and the world around you, and then taking powerful, aligned actions in response. 

As your coach, that’s what I’m here to help you do. Rather than add another voice to the noise, coaching is about creating a space where you can hear your own voice clearly again. We'll sift through all your ideas and challenges, weigh them against what you truly want, and figure out the next steps that make sense for you. After all, you're the one who's been in this since day one. Our sessions are about cutting through the clutter, challenging assumptions (even your own), and getting to the heart of what's right for you and your business.

You bring an ask to coaching—that audacious goal, that vision for what’s next—and I keep us anchored to it. With every session, you’ll be gaining clarity, smashing obstacles, and moving towards what you truly want.

That’s the power of The Ask, and I’m honoured to support you in it.

We’ll be a great fit if…

  • You’re an established entrepreneur with an active business, whether you’re running a one-person business, leading a scrappy startup, or steering a larger ship

  • You’ve seen some success already and have some experiential data to draw upon, but you’ve now got bigger, or new, ambitions in mind

  • You’re interested in stepping forward as a thought leader and face of your brand

  • You’re in a season of life and business where you can commit to regularly scheduled coaching sessions

  • You’re fired up, willing to roll up your sleeves and take action

If all of that sounds familiar,
now’s the perfect time to get to work.

Coaching provided immense focus and attention on my goals and I didn’t realize how impactful it could be until I did it for myself.  I found it so helpful to be able to have a sounding board for some of the things that I couldn’t say as articulately to my team or my partner. Ellen is warm and focused and always frames back to me what I can proactively do based on my situation. I learnt to value myself more and seek out bigger opportunities for my business and personal brand.

Sarah, Film Industry Founder

150+ entrepreneurs later...

FAQs about coaching with The Ask

All the details you need before we dive in headfirst

  • Typically around 3-6 months, with 2-3 hours of coaching each month for best results. That gives us enough time to dig deep, implement changes, and see real results. But as the entire experience is customised to you, that’s something we’ll chat through and agree upon together in your consultation session.

  • I’m located in sometimes-sunny London, UK, but Zoom is our connector anywhere across the globe. My clients are from the UK, the States, Madagascar, Mexico, and more!

  • Consultants are more oriented towards handing you answers, and I'm here to help you find your own answers. Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of insights and strategies to share when relevant. But our primary focus is tuning into what’s right for you, developing your ability to navigate challenges and make decisions long after we work together. 

  • I'm direct, action-oriented, and focused on results. Expect challenging questions, honest feedback, and a push outside your comfort zone. But also expect unwavering support, practical strategies, and a good laugh now and then. This work is important, but it doesn't have to be deadly serious!

  • I don’t just call myself a coach: I’m certified with an Accredited Diploma in Transformative Coaching from Animas Centre for Coaching (International Coaching Federation-approved, which is basically the industry gold standard). And by now, I’ve coached 150+ clients through The Ask, so you can trust that I’ve got plenty of experience under my belt. 

  • Coaching is much less about specific industry knowledge and more about asking the right questions (you are the subject matter expert) and I'll bring the business-building expertise and pyschology skillset. That said, I'm a quick study and will always do my homework on your sector, and my clients have come from all over—tech, PR, nutrition, sexual health, and more, just to name a few. 

  • Every engagement is customised, so we get fully focused on your own particular goals. For earlier-stage founders, our work might end up revolving around learning to step up massively in your self-belief, skills, and personal leadership. For more established entrepreneurs, you might be coming to coaching with a decision to make (about your direction, team, financing for example) or an idea for a new phase that you’d like to explore. The key is always meeting you where you are and helping you get where you want to go.

  • I aim to offer massive value for our work together without the eye-popping “celebrity coach” rates that are out there. A typical investment is often around £2-3k for three to four months of support, which includes our regular sessions (a few hours per month), support via your private DM space, session notes, my reflections and any resources or tools I provide.

    All coaching is personalised, though, so in our initial consultation we’ll design the right package for you.

  • Please go ahead and reach out, and we’ll chat it through!

Enquire Below

Challenge your limits. Exceed your expectations. And redefine what’s possible for your business. 

It all begins with the ask.