Ignite your next business breakthrough in just one day.

Fuel your next steps with a London-based strategic entrepreneur coach

What if your big to-dos finally got done?

In business, juggling multiple priorities is nothing new. You have decisions to make, strategies to refine, pitches to perfect… and those big-picture ideas that have been sitting untouched in your Notion for far too long. 

But these aren’t quick-fix issues you can solve between meetings. They require laser-focused attention, deep strategic thinking, and the kind of breakthrough insights that can only come from intensive, uninterrupted work.

You've got the drive and the vision. What you need now is clarity, a solid plan, and a commitment to finally tackle it all. 

In business, juggling multiple priorities is nothing new. You have decisions to make, strategies to refine, pitches to perfect… and those big-picture ideas that have been sitting untouched in your Notion for far too long. 

But these aren’t quick-fix issues you can solve between meetings. They require laser-focused attention, deep strategic thinking, and the kind of breakthrough insights that can only come from intensive, uninterrupted work.

You've got the drive and the vision. What you need now is clarity, a solid plan, and a commitment to finally tackle it all. 

Time waits for no entrepreneur. 

So it’s time to seize the moment.

Let's face it: while you're mulling things over, the market's marching on and your competitors aren't exactly twiddling their thumbs. You need results, and you need to get cracking. 

You've tried the brainstorming sessions that go in big, looping circles. You've ploughed through enough business books to know that The Right Answer isn’t hiding in them (tempting as it might be to think so). And advice from friends, family, and even team members just doesn’t cut it. 

What you're really after is a focused, high-impact session that cuts through the noise, tackles your specific issues head-on, and arms you with strategies you can put into action before the ink's dry.

You need a day that will turn overwhelm into opportunity, uncertainty into rock-solid confidence, and untapped potential into undeniable power.

In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, a single day can change everything.

Ready to compress months of progress into hours? The VIP Day delivers. 

A VIP Coaching Day isn't just another meeting in your calendar. It's an intensive experience designed to create massive momentum in your business, and a fast track to clarity and action. In business, juggling multiple priorities is nothing new. You have decisions to make, strategies to refine, pitches to perfect… and those big-picture ideas that have been sitting untouched in your Notion for far too long. 

But these aren’t quick-fix issues you can solve between meetings. They require laser-focused attention, deep strategic thinking, and the kind of breakthrough insights that can only come from intensive, uninterrupted work.

You've got the drive and vision. What you need now is clarity, a solid plan, and commitment to finally tackle it all. 

Maybe you’re….

  • Keen to explore a new business idea or income stream you've not given full attention to just yet

  • In need of a quarterly or annual check in on your progress, setting objectives and plans for the next period

  • Sensing a plateau in an area of your business and need challenging as to what to do about it, and guided through what's next

  • Creating a new game plan for where the market has moved and work on your next big hit

For challenges like these, this intensive session is designed to compress months of progress into a single, powerful day. It's about gaining the clarity, tools, and momentum you need to elevate your business to the next level.

You’ll get breakthrough insights that cut through the noise. Strategies tailored specifically to you and your business, not generic advice. A concrete action plan you can sink your teeth into immediately. And perhaps most importantly, the confidence to make bold moves and lead with conviction.

Breakthrough moments don’t happen by chance—they’re intentionally created.

And that’s just what we’ll do together. 


Through a detailed questionnaire and self-assessment exercise one week before, you'll debrief on your current challenges, goals, and what the outcome of a successful VIP Day would look like for you. This ensures that the whole day will be perfectly tailored to your needs, crafted to drive your business forward.


Welcome to an entire day of intensive focus and strategic planning tailored to your specific needs. Through deep-dive discussions, collaborative brainstorming, and skill-building exercises, you'll gain fresh insights, develop actionable strategies, and knock down any obstacles holding you back. 


You’ll keep the energy and progress going with dedicated follow-up support. Through a post-session write-up outlining next steps, a 45-minute follow-up call, and a month of email support, you'll have the guidance and accountability needed to implement your action plan and maintain the momentum.

Eliza Erskine, The Ask testimonial

“I’m now really clear on how best to serve my clients, to spend my time and to allocate my strengths—and my business revenues have grown significantly since our work together.

I've gotten clarity on how to build a business unique to me. I was looking for accountability, action steps and helpful guidance and Ellen provides all three.”

Eliza, Sustainability Founder

Your VIP Coaching Day Blueprint

Here’s everything that’s waiting for you. 

  • Let's kick things off right. I'll send you a questionnaire that digs deep into your challenges and desires for the future. It’s not busywork—it’s the foundation for our day together. And the more you share, the better I can understand your unique strengths to build from. 

    • Goal setting with laser focus: No fluff, just clarity on exactly what you want to achieve.

    • Challenge deep-dive: Expect thoughtful questions that get to the heart of what might be holding you back and how you can knock down those obstacles.

    • Strategy sprint: We'll generate solutions and map out your path forward for massive, rapid action. 

    • Action plan crafting: You'll leave with concrete steps, not just vague ideas.

    • Skill-building boost: You'll gain new tools tailored to your goals, setting you up for long-term success.

  • We'll cement your key takeaways and fine-tune your action plan. Your feedback here is crucial—we’ll make sure every single next step is one you feel ready and excited to work on.

    • Comprehensive session write-up: I’ll follow up with your personal playbook for implementing everything we've covered.

    • 45-minute follow-up call: We'll check in within a month to catch up on your progress and tackle any new hurdles.

    • One month of email support: Got a quick question or need a strategy check? I'm in your corner, ready to help you maintain momentum.

In sum? What a difference a day makes. 

Whether you’re in London, Lisbon, or Lima, we can work together

Wherever you are in the world, the VIP Day is all yours.

Local in London

We’ll meet in person in a beautiful meeting space in central London over a catered lunch, teas and coffees, plenty of healthy snacks, and a bevvy to cheers us out at the end.

£1190 investment

Remote via Zoom

It’s called the world wide web for a reason: we can get together for an intensive day of coaching via Zoom from any location. No matter the distance, the focus is you! 

£890 investment

“In just one session I made so much headway with crafting my offer and knowing what I needed to do next. 

Days later I had achieved what I had been putting off all year. It was amazing to work with Ellen.

Joseph, Creative Director

“I left with a tonne of insight and clear next steps on my positioning and one person business strategy. 

Ellen has a lot of knowledge and is able to share that quickly and thoughtfully. I felt she really understood me and my business.”

Flora, Product Leadership Coach

I’m Ellen Donnelly, coach to entrepreneurs in London and beyond

And I believe in the power of massive, rapid action. 

You’ve got a meaningful vision and audacious goal, so why keep waiting for the “right time” or a tap on the shoulder? You can give yourself the permission slip today to take action and move forward.

As your coach and founder of The Ask, I'm here to help you make those big, bold moves you've been dreaming about. If you're feeling stuck or overwhelmed, know that you're not alone. Many of the 150+ entrepreneurs I've worked with felt the same way before we started.

Together, we'll cut through the noise and zero in on what truly matters for your business. No vague advice or endless planning, just targeted strategies and actionable steps to propel you forward.

Because ultimately, you don’t have to settle for incremental shifts or painfully slow progress. One intensive day of strategic focus can build so much momentum. 

I can’t wait to support your next breakthrough!

Questions about VIP Day coaching for entrepreneurs? 

Here’s what you need to know.

  • We’ll work together best if you’ve already established your business and have some “data” from past projects and clients to draw on. Otherwise, entrepreneurs from any industry are completely welcome—I’ve worked with nutritionists, PR consultants, tech entrepreneurs, you name it. 

  • If it's a challenge that's critical to your business health or your personal mindset but you're struggling to tackle it alone, it could be a good candidate for a VIP Day. Topics like exploring a new idea or income stream, checking in on and setting new quarterly targets, and strategizing how to overcome a plateau are all examples of what we can tackle. 

  • A lot, actually. We likely won’t design a step-by-step 10 year plan for your business or completely crush your self-doubt in a single day, but we’ll make concrete progress on the way there! You'll gain more clarity on your challenges, develop a strategic action plan, and leave with the tools and confidence to implement it. It's intensive, but that's how we make big strides quickly.

  • Absolutely. It's a great way to experience the power of coaching in a concentrated dose. You'll get a taste of how I work and experience immediate results.

  • The VIP Day is especially ideal for tackling a specific challenge or making a big decision. Ongoing coaching is better for sustained growth and continuous support. If you're not sure, we can absolutely chat through the different options when you enquire for a consultation, and we’ll figure out what would be the best fit for you!

  • Definitely. Our pre-call and the intake survey help to identify and prioritise your challenges. Often, what you think is the issue isn't actually the root cause—we'll figure it out together.

  • You'll have a month of email support and a follow-up call included. If you need more beyond that, we can absolutely discuss ongoing coaching options.

  • We'll create a detailed action and accountability plan during our session, and I'll provide you with bespoke resources and suggested tools to keep you on track. Plus, our follow-up call will help address any implementation challenges (as well build in some of that all-important accountability!)

  • Completely tailored. I pick up on new contexts quickly, do my own research, and I've worked with entrepreneurs across various industries for a decade. You’ll be in good hands.

    Your needs, industry, services, clients, and more will all shape the content and approach of the day, as will your questionnaire and self-assessment form.

  • I'm direct, action-oriented, and focused on results. I'll challenge you, but always with the goal of helping you grow. If you're ready to be introspective as well as roll up your sleeves and do the work, we'll get on brilliantly.

  • Let’s chat it through! Go ahead and book a call, and I’ll make sure we cover everything that’s on your mind.

Let’s make your next big leap happen

Let’s make your next big leap happen

Book a free consultation, and we’ll discuss your transformative day!