Business Blind Spots Masterclass - Replay

Access the recording of our live Masterclass on discovering and overcoming your business blind spots for just £12.99

​What you'll learn:

  • ​The six business blind spots and how they could be impacting your business

  • ​How to tell which one you're being influenced by

  • ​The exact strategies to overcome your blind spots

  • ​How to finally get the results you’re looking for

​What you can expect:

This is an hour-long, facilitated workshop led by trained coach and business expert Ellen Donnelly. Once purchased, you’ll get access to the video file for 24 hours to download. You can then watch as many times as you need.

Are you a solo business owner, ready to unlock the next level of success, but feel blocked and unsure about how to get there?

If you’ve been running your business for a year or more, or are early in your journey, and are not seeing results, this workshop is for you.

​If you're tired of putting in the work without the reward - whether that be making more money, having more time, or more impact - chances are you're working against a business blind spot.

A business blind spot is a trait or personality type that can keep business owners stuck and stagnating, if left undiagnosed. It can show up in your business day-to-day as a lack of energy, confidence, clarity, focus, growth and - ultimately - revenue.

​This Masterclass, hosted and facilitated by trained coach and Founder of The Ask Ellen Donnelly, is designed to help one-person business owners uncover and overcome their own business blind spots. So that they can get out of their own way and accelerate their growth.

To get access to the replay for £12.99, shop via the button below.

​Ellen Donnelly is a trained coach, business strategist and Founder of The Ask. The Ask is a successful coaching and mentoring business aimed at supporting one-person business owners to achieve profitability in just 5 months through her signature coaching programme Unique Contribution.

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Ellen Donnelly

The Ask | One Person Business Coaching & Mentoring by Ellen Donnelly

Lessons on work, love, life and belonging, from a 31 year old.


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