On the Blog: Straight Talk from an Entrepreneur Coach
Practical wisdom and resources for ambitious founders.
Driving your business forward isn't just about strategy and tactics—it's about asking the right questions, challenging your assumptions, and constantly evolving as a leader.
On The Ask’s blog you'll find no-nonsense insights, practical advice, and thought-provoking questions to fuel your entrepreneurial journey. Whether you're contemplating a major pivot, seeking to sharpen your decision-making skills, or simply looking to stay ahead of the pack, get valuable resources to level up.
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Inside A One Person Business - An Interview With Alexandra Allen
Starting a business in the middle of a pandemic may seem like a risky move, but as you’ll discover in this episode, riskier still was to not take the opportunity when it arose. Meet Alexandra Allen, a course creator and project manager who build a successful one person business around her interest in personal development and her unique skill. She sits down with Ellen Donnelly, startup coach uk, to discuss all things personal branding, marketing, client acquisition and building a business that lasts.
The Ask’s Top Ten Greatest Hits
In three years of running The Ask, startup coach Ellen Donnelly has amassed over 100 pieces of unique content, geared towards helping people launch and grow their own one person business. Click here for the top ten most popular articles and find the answers to your most pressing business questions.
Inside A One Person Business - An Interview With Emily Claire Hughes
Starting as a performer and singer, Emily Claire Hughes now runs a successful one person marketing agency. From breaking out of the performing arts, to landing her first client, to discovering her niche and identifying her Unique Contribution, this varied conversation is a fascinating insight into how even the most ‘unusual’ talents can be leveraged to build a successful business that stands out.
This is how you name your business
Naming your business is one of the biggest hurdles single person business owners in the early stages of business building. What if you get it wrong? What if you don’t like it in time? Read on for advice from startup coach Ellen Donnelly on how to name your business and get it right.
How to brand (or rebrand) your one person business
Welcome to The Ask 3.0. The story behind the rebrand. If you’re starting a new brand from scratch, or considering revamping the one you have, you’ll find a blow by blow account of The Ask’s recent rebrand. Find insights, advice and support to help you make the best decision possible.
Lessons on work, love, life and belonging, from a 31 year old.
The Ask’s 3rd birthday, ten years since graduation and another trip around the sun calls for reflections and lessons from founder Ellen Donnelly. Thought-provoking and inspiring, no matter where you are in your own journey.
Business Blind Spots Masterclass - Replay
Have you been running a business on your own and struggling to see the results you’re looking for? Get access to the recording of our live Masterclass on uncovering your business blind spots and find out exactly what is preventing you from reaching your goals.
Inside A One Person Business - An Interview With Simon Rodrigues
In the second interview in our brand new series you’ll learn how Simon went from Chief of Staff, to startup strategist and storyteller. Discover how he managed to get off the corporate ladder to make six figures solo, and the two key pieces of advice he has for others looking to do the same.
Inside A One Person Business - An Interview With Alex Smith, Founder of Basic Arts
Have you ever wanted to explore under the hood of successful businesses run by a single person? Watch the first of our new interview series that dives into how one person businesses operate and teases out important lessons you can apply to your own journey.
How to come up with great ideas to write about
Writing is a fundamental skill for any one person business owner. Why? Because writing is a low-lift and elegant channel to share your ideas and connect with your ideal clients. But what to write about? This post dives into three strategies to help you come up with great ideas every time.
How much confidence is too much confidence when building your new startup?
I believe that company building is personal development — you learn and grow so much in the process of creating a business that you change as a person in the process. The level of confidence (self belief, mental fortitude and decisiveness) can dictate the course of your company more than the right product, tool or strategy ever can.
Why does everyone suddenly want to be a coach?
What is it about coaching that makes it so appealing? Is it really the most popular career pivot or business idea for people to pursue? We’ll discover the reasons behind the booming coaching industry and how that might impact you, should you choose to start your business around coaching.
How to design a business around your beliefs and stand out in a competitive marketplace
Building a business is an incredible opportunity to bring your passions, interests and skills together in a service that solves a problem you care about. The best way to set your new business up for success is to ask yourself the following questions.
How to secure paying clients and sustain your income as a one-person business
Creating clients and getting them to say ‘yes’ to working with you, is a huge part of the business-building equation and so if you’re already there, a big congratulations. This post will walk you through how to monestise your offering, approach and secure clients and ultimately make your business financially viable.
How to design a one-person business around yourself
Do you want more freedom? More money? More time? Or simply to choose the projects and people you work with. Designing a one-person business around yourself is the key to achieving all this. But knowing how to leverage your unique contribution and build a profitable business around your skills, interests and talents is another hurdle all together.
What is your Unique Contribution?
If you are curious about the entrepreneurial leap, and want to create meaningful work, the answer is likely to go all in on building a one-person business around yourself.
What you must consider before making a big change in your life or career
Looking to make a big career decision or change in your life, but feel stuck and unable to move forward? Career coach Ellen Donnelly shares her top three insights into how you can move closer towards achieving your dream entrepreneurial career.
How to unlock your strengths and reach your professional potential
Having too many options for your career is overwhelming and leads to analysis paralysis. Then, stuck in your state of indecision, you can’t move forward or unlock your potential.
Use your strengths to find clarity! This article will help you understand what your strengths are and how to best use them to unlock your full potential!
What you need to know about working with a coach
There is a lot of misinformation surrounding coaching. How much is it? Who is it for? Do I need one? We’ll answer all these questions and more in this article, so you can make the best decision about whether coaching is right for you.